What is Birds In Your Backyard?
Birds In Your Backyard is an environmentally-friendly site designed to get children involved with the outdoors. Your “backyard” also includes your community, city, province and beyond.
What Age is Birds In Your Backyard for?
Birds in Your Backyard is targeted towards children aged seven to 12.
What Happens to Photos Sent In?
With the help of a parent or guardian, your child(ren) can send in their photos or drawings to info@birdsinyourbackyard.ca. These pictures will then be reviewed and posted to www.birdsinyourbackyard.ca under the “Viewer’s Corner” tab with their first name and title of the picture.
How Does My Child Get Involved?
As Birds in Your Backyard continues to develop, we will be looking for children interested in starring on the show. With the help of a parent/guardian, your child can send in their birding interests and we will get back to you if they have been selected to star on the show. Birds in Your Backyard will also notify you when we are working in your area.